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How to Make a Mass Payment Using PayPal Payouts
Payouts is a PayPal API that allows you to send and manage payments to a large number of recipients simultaneously. If you are using our Affiliates Manager plugin, you can use Payouts to send payments to your affiliates.
Payouts are available everywhere that Mass Payments are available. Payouts that you send through the Payouts API appear as Mass Payments in your PayPal account and in Mass Payment reports.
Before you start using Payouts you need to have it enabled in your PayPal account. To send payout requests from the Payouts web interface, contact PayPal. When your account is approved for Payouts, complete the steps described on this page.
How to Make a Mass Payment Using PayPal Payouts
This guide describes how to send payouts using a .csv (comma-separated value) payments file (generated by the Affiliates Manager plugin) and the Payouts user interface in PayPal.
1. Go to Affiliates > Manage Payouts from your WordPress admin dashboard and generate a PayPal Payout file (paypal_payout.csv).
2. Log in to your PayPal account at
3. Click Money at the top of the Summary page and then Send or request money on the left.

4. Click Make a mass payment.

5. From the Choose Payouts Recipients page, click Browse and select the “paypal_payout.csv” file generated by the Affiliates Manager plugin. Click Continue.

6. Review your Payout details and click Send Payout to complete the mass payment.